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Currently reading

A.S. Byatt, Charlotte Brontë, Ignes Sodre
Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
John Derbyshire
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow
George R.R. Martin
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena: A Novel
Anthony Marra
March 2015
I enjoyed this, because you know what, there's just something comforting about revisiting characters you already know and lik...
Prince Lestat - Anne Rice
updated shelf
February 2014
reviewed: Great short stories
I listened to these and found them quite entertaining. As a bonus, they are all read by the author and are free on iTunes. Be...
Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and the Grotesque. Volume 1 - Mike Bennett
read and rated
February 2014
reviewed: Madame Bovary (Oxford World's Classics)
This was a real page turner. The whole thing is quite stylized and if you come in expecting Jane Austen-type writing, you'll ...
Madame Bovary - Mark Overstall, Malcolm Bowie, Margaret Mauldon, Gustave Flaubert
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finished reading:
February 2014
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January 2014
reviewed: Frankenstein (Penguin Classics)
I avoided this for years, thinking it would be boring. Boy was I wrong; I was highlighting passages like crazy in this book. ...
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley, Maurice Hindle
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip
I learned more about linguistics than about math, per se, but it was worth it. His academic style may not be everyone's cup o...
The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved And Why Numbers Are Like Gossip - Keith J. Devlin
finished reading:
November 2013
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: Witch Wraith (The Dark Legacy of Shannara, #3)
Terry Brooks has had some hits and some misses. This was a hit. Well done!
Witch Wraith (The Dark Legacy of Shannara, #3) - Terry Brooks
September 2013
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Thirty Scary Tales
This was a great collection of short tales. I was most impressed with the variety of genres -- fantasy, contemporary, etc. Th...
Thirty Scary Tales - Rayne Hall
finished reading:
June 2013
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April 2013
finished reading:
April 2013
started following:
January 2013
reviewed: Wards of Faerie: The Dark Legacy of Shannara
Yet another Shannara book...this one was actually pretty good. It felt more "old school" Terry Brooks than some of his other ...
Wards of Faerie - Terry Brooks
finished reading:
January 2013
reviewed: Into the Dark Lands (The Sundered, Book 1)
I was looking for some non-medieval fantasy by someone I hadn't yet read and stumbled upon this. I was very impressed; the wr...
Into the Dark Lands - Michelle Sagara West
reviewed: Night Angel Trilogy: The Way of Shadows / Shadow's Edge / Beyond the Shadows
If you're looking for some new fantasy, this is a good option. It was somewhat hard to follow, but eventually things fall int...
The Night Angel Trilogy - Brent Weeks
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September 2012
reviewed: The Reservoir
I usually go to bed around 10:30. But for the last two nights, I was up until midnight. I just couldn't put this book down. I...
The Reservoir - John Milliken Thompson
finished reading:
September 2012
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August 2012
reviewed: Eleven O'Clock Fright
This book fell flat on most fronts. However, I liked the dog.
Eleven O'Clock Fright - Joshua Scribner