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Currently reading

A.S. Byatt, Charlotte Brontë, Ignes Sodre
Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
John Derbyshire
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow
George R.R. Martin
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena: A Novel
Anthony Marra

Desperate Passage: The Donner Party's Perilous Journey West

Desperate Passage: The Donner Party's Perilous Journey West - Ethan Rarick It speaks well to the author's skill that I ignored my husband for hours and simply could not put this book down -- reading it in a single evening -- when I've known how the story ends since watching the Ken Burns special in junior high...and I'm 32 years old. The writing is superlative, especially for such a well-worn topic. Bravo, Mr. Rarick!